Complex Multi-System Disease and Lyme

One of the many benefits of naturopathic medicine is the use of diagnostics not available to conventional labs. Often there are ways to identify the root of a disease through special investigations. When someone is experiencing multiple conditions at the same time I look at what the possible root connections exist that may explain the symptoms.

How to Investigate and Treat Lyme Disease

Many people with complicated health pictures and symptoms that don’t really fit into any textbook definition of a disease go through the conventional medical system not getting any diagnosis or effective treatment. They are left with a prescription for antidepressants. Established medical guidelines can be very wrong. Understandably, for someone who is suffering a host of symptoms being given a mood pill isn’t good enough and following guidelines can leave them sick.

Lyme Disease Diagnosis

It is also important to identify conditions that wouldn’t otherwise be considered for someone with non-textbook symptoms. Lyme disease is a perfect example of this. Diagnosis of Lyme is increasing because we are understanding that it can mimic many other conditions including autoimmune diseases. In the rare times a person is considered to have Lyme, traditional labs minimally test for the infection because of conservative standards which leave people with the idea that they are not infected.

I use more thorough and advanced testing labs in California (Igenex) that identify more often when someone has Lyme. Once we know, treatment can begin and leads to significant improvement in quality of life for those who would have never thought they had the infection in the first place.

Horowitz Lyme-MSIDS Questionnaire

For more information you can review here igenex and fill out the Dr Richard Horowitz Lyme-MSIDS Questionnaire.

Horowitz Questionnaire

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