
Food intolerances, allergies and sensitivities can be very confusing for most people to understand how they might be affected by each of these problems.

No Whey... You Have Food Allergies? Soy, What?

I know, I know. I hang my head in shame. But what I suffer in terrible puns, I make up for in understanding food allergies and other histamine based concerns including Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. Allergies are on the rise. They cause more than just a runny nose.

Food Sensitivity Testing

Food intolerances reflect an inability to digest food through insufficient enzyme or acid production or poor food combining choices that make digestion more difficult. Addressing food intolerances can easily treat typical symptoms like bloating and heartburn. Food allergies are more obvious in that symptom reactions occur within minutes of consuming a particular food. Food sensitivities however, are more insidious and hidden in their effect. Food sensitivities can take hours to days to manifest and it is difficult to determine which food could have caused which symptom. Food sensitivity testing is a great way to learn what could be ailing you and keep your body in a non-toxic state. It is very effective at helping eczema, psoriasis, acne, IBS, and inflammation. For more information on serum food testing visit:

Food Allergy Testing

If you suffer from IBS, bloating, gas or anemia from not digesting nutrients well then SIBO is likely a cause of your symptoms and can be treated quite readily. Many times people who believe they have IBS in fact have SIBO and can test it and treat it to never have symptoms again. If you’re familiar with the FODMAPS diet and it works for you then you likely have SIBO. Get tested and treated.

Sample Food Sensitivity Report

Environmental Allergies

Vancouver has some of the highest rates of allergies in the world. Research showed last year ¼ of all children have allergies. In the last two years people who have never complained of environmental allergies have all of a sudden started getting symptoms. Needles to say the sale of anti-histamines is through the roof. But if people aren’t dealing with the exhaustion from allergies they are dealing with the side effects of anti-histamines, which include exhaustion. We become tolerant to anti-histamines too so they don’t always work forever.

“One of the best conventional treatments for allergies is allergy de-sensitization through injections of the same substances we are allergic to. This is a painful, too frequent and inconvenient and not always effective strategy. Some people even have allergic reactions to the injections.”

Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT)

A newer model of therapy called sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) uses the same antigens (things we are allergic to) like grass and dilutes the substance to a very small amount, which is then taken by mouth every day for approximately one year.

This can allow for our immune system to become familiar with the antigen and allow for the stopping of the allergic response thereafter.

Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT) Patient Brochure

Scratch Testing

Many people don’t even know what they are allergic to in the first place. Scratch testing is an assessment tool I use to determine what the allergy is and then determine what SLIT would be suitable.

SLIT Treatments

Scratch testing used to be only reserved for allergists, but trained NDs like myself can use it with great success in practice. SLIT treatments are also covered by most drug plans as they are by prescription.

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